
Showing posts from April, 2018

Krishna Bhakti-Enjoyment in giving Enjoyment

Krishna Bhakti-Enjoyment in giving Enjoyment When I identify myself as center for the pleasure then my all activities will be centered around my own pleasure. However, that same activites of giving pleasure to my own self can alter completely if I act for giving pleasure to my supremely beloved Lord. Gopis in Vrindavan had only one center of attraction and that was Braj Raj. They lived only for one purpose for giving pleasure to their supremely beloved Lord. In that case also they acted for their own pleasure but their pleasure lied only in pleasing their supremely beautiful Kanha. It is not that they desired to please Kanha because he was some attractive child in their own village but Krishna is supremely attractive and is reservoir of all qualities and therefore Bal Gopal could occupy that place in their heart of being the supreme object of their love. It is also shared by some exhalted saints that those who get attracted by the glance of Krishna standing on Vamsi vat becom...

Watering the root of the tree

Sadhana bhakti- Watering the root of the tree Many a times in spiritual counselling, the solutions to one's day to day problems in career, family relationships, health etc given by enlightened spiritual masters is to strengthen the sadhana of loving supreme Lord by increasing the quantity as well as quality of that sadhana. It is said that if the root is watered then the water goes to all parts of the tree including branches and leaves. However, from a limited perspective it may appear that how the sravanam and kirtanam of Nama, Guna, Lila adi of supreme Lord can alter the problem in family relationship or career. May be some other techniques directly dealing with the issue is more essential. But the  matter of fact is that when there is a pain in the head , the medicine may not be directly applied to head but it may be taken in mouth through a tablet and once it goes in the human body system it cures the pain in the head. Similarly, many a times the root cause of t...

Hear with faith 10th offense to holy name rather than fear

The tenth offense to the holyname is recited everyday in morning in  our devotional centers as " To MAINTAIN material ATTACHMENTS even after understanding so many instructions on this subject matter" In my beginning years in practice of sadhana bhakti, whenever I heard the statement of this offense it used to create lot of fear as well as shame in my heart. I used to think that this statement means that I have to cut down any affection for my parents, siblings as well as relatives and till the time I possess any affection for them , I am doing this offense to the holyname. I used to think that unless I take to sanyas ashram leaving behind my family members, I will never be able to avoid this offense. I used to feel ashamed of myself and felt insulted and mocked by other advanced devotees who were reciting this statement of offense with shradha. I used to feel as if Prabhupad is making fun of my low level of  spiritual status and asking me to become heartless and...