Transcedental Hierarchy vs Material Hierarchy

Transcedental Hierarchy vs Material Hierarchy In the transcendental realms of Vaikunta and Goloka, everything is chinmaya and full of spiritual potencies. The body of Sri Krishna who is considered as supreme object of everyone's attention in spiritual world has body parts such that each body part can do the function of other body part if need arises but still there is variegatedness. Hierarchies and control happen through love rather than impositional stands. Supreme Lord also takes the lower position than his own devotees by becoming their son, servant , small brother, nephew and offer them respect accordingly. Hierarchies in material realm however are quite different in nature than the spiritual hierarchies. In the material realm, everyone wants to be the separate enjoyer and the controller and wants to use everyone else as a resource for his personal agendas. Therefore, when a materialistic person takes the role of a leader, he tries to manipulate his juniors ...