Anartha Nivritti stage is about responsible guilt rather than selfish shame. As sadhakas of Krishna consciousness as we start the sadhu sanga and bhajan kriya, we start acknowledging the bad sanskaras on our chitta and develop desire to purify them in order to please Krishna. However, sometimes while making the attempts to acknowledge and purify the bad sanskaras on our chitta we tend to become depressed . During the stage of Anartha Nivritti, when a sadhaka is struggling to get rid of 6 enemies-kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya, he may often get caught up being too self absorbed and reduce his enthusiasm in services due to feeling low about himself. .Humility is not about thinking less about ourself but thinking of ourself less. Whatever bad we have in our chitta is just a result of grip in the modes of material nature and as soon as we are released from the grip , those impurities no longer stay with us. Mam eva ye prapadyante , mayam etam taranti te....