Tomara Charana, Loilu Sharana

Tomara charana, Loilu sarana

Tomara charana, Loilu sarana means complete dissolution of ego and identifying oneself as the servant of Krishna alone and no other identity and being completely desireless and see the service of Charan as his only occupation. Now this service of charan is different from a person taking sharan of various ministers and persons in high post and then trying to dominate over other persons by dint of their relationship with ministers and taking undue advantage of people at his level or lower levels. In taking sharana of supreme Ishwar, this doesn’t happens like this. Because, he is personally present in each of his part and parcel and offending any of his part and parcels is directly affecting the relationship with Krishna. There is a verse in Bhagwatam quoted by Kapila Muni—- Some people do lot of worship of me in temple but outside the temple they deceive and kill their own brothers, then I am not pleased with them.

Actually, these ministers are also corrupt because they are in position not to serve their countryman but only to fill their own bellies. They don’t see their countryman as their own family and therefore they allow such chamchas to flourish as they are also for Lording over all I survey and they get such chamchass only who want to Lord over all I survey without caring for others. However, case of Param Ishwar is different, he wants to bring harmony at all levels and therefore he personally comes and takes avatars and come in this prapancha to restore dharma. Also, he has  clearly mentioned as one of the nama apradhs as Nama ke ball pe paaap kaarna .Doing this nam apradh cuts the very chord connecting you with the Supreme Bhagwan. Similarly, sometimes it is said by talve chattana is like suppressing someone so much that he would be completely helplessly dependent on you out of fear and forced by circumstances. However, taking shelter of lotus feet of the Lord is different from talvve chattana of a person at high post. Because jiske talve chatte jjate hain, wo apnne aap ko superior meshuss kartta hai auur dusrre ko inferior. But svabhav of Bhagwan Narayan is such that he says that I am trapped in the hearts of my devotees and I act according to the orders of my devotees. My devotees are like crown on my head. He tells Gopis that I don’t have the power to repay back for the amount of love you have for me. Similarly, one saint once said that the nature of genuine Gurus in Bharatvarsha is such that if you try to sit in their feet, they will make you sit on their shoulders.

Therefore, although there is a difference in position of Jiva and Ishwar, still  the love between the two is so intense that difference of power equation doesn’t arises any conflict rather it only further reinforces the love. Charan of the Lord are so powerful that they can serve as a boat for carrying one from the bhhava sagar. Krishna is the supreme proprietor and lower one feels in front of supreme , more he becomes recipient of his love, more he feels the need of becoming dependent on his love and more nourished he feels by receiving the love of God. In the material world there are so many objects and one thus  pursues many objects in his life but in spiritual realm there is only one object which is pursued by everyone and that is pleasure of Krishna and love for Krishna. That is the only thing which defines people in the spiritual realm.   

To conclude, the bhava of taking sharan of charan of the Lord has not even a tinge of humiliation in it rather it is empowering. Accepting lower position is only for experiencing love of Krishna. In absolute truth, everything is chinMaya and superposition of material conception of lower and higher will only bring blurriness in understanding of the relationship with Krishna.


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