Consciousness of giving Daan

Consciousness of giving Daan

In Bharat varsha giving Daan is considered by one and all a very pious act. There are various types of Daan mentioned in the scriptures like Anna Daan, Dhan Daan, Gyan Daan, Shram Daan etc.  However quite strangely the culture of Daan in Bharat varsha is different from the western concept of giving charity. In general charity is given as an act of upkaar of giver on taker. However, in the parampara of giving Daan, the receiver of Daan is given the utmost respect. Disrespect of any kind to the reciever of Daan is considered very inauspicious and believed to bring lot of misfortune to giver of Daan and there are various examples given in Itihas elaborating how the donor suffered karmic reactions as a result of disrespect to the receiver of Daan. In the Bhikshuk parampara in the land of Bharat, house lady would first touch the feet of the Bhikshuk and then give him the alms . Also, the Bhikshuk would not ask for alms indiscriminately from anyone but they would select the donor only when he is free from pride and is not earning the money from sinful ways. Similarly the donor of Gyan Daan also gives utmost respect to the student. Student would also receive the knowledge from the person who has obtained the knowledge from proper sources like bonafide paramparas and shrutis/ smritis. Also, student would see that the teacher is not proud of his knowledge. Srila Prabhupada, the founder of ISKCON would often say to his disciples that you are my Guru's direct representatives and are therefore worshiped by me.
Let us also follow the example of great saints and consider the opportunity to give Daan as a blessing upon us and with great attention give our service of Daan to the receiver while thanking him in our heart for receiving our service and making our life better and worthy.  


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