Preaching with grace: Respecting feeling of surrender to Divine

Surrender to Supreme Lord means to perform activities of devotional service like Nav vidha Bhakti for the pleasure of supreme Lord. A person absorbed in materialism always thinks of acquiring more and more sense pleasure and forgets to address the inner calling of union with the divine. By great fortune one comes to the stage when one starts addressing that inner calling of union with the divine and starts performing Bhakti. In order to perform these activities he seeks guidance of experts  in this field and expects them to show him the right path. Another aspect of Bhakti is to show compassion to the neophyte devotees and therefore the experts in this field perform this service of guiding the neophyte devotees for the pleasure of their supreme Lord. However, this service requires great attention. Since, the student exposes his lot of vulnerability and trust in the guide, therefore slight lack of attention can cause hurt to the student and resulting in disservice. The slight eagerness of student to perform devotional activities has to be fanned by the guide such that it becomes a blazing fire of feeling of separation from supreme Lord. However, if the guide is less careful, he may end up reducing the eagerness of the student. A good student takes less resources than required and give better performance, but a bad student takes lot of resources and the performance is also not so good.

Similary a good teacher takes lesser energy of the student and shapes him in a good way but a bad teacher takes lot of resources and energy from the student but disorts him from his actual position.

A good guide will never take cheaply the enthusiasm of the student to learn and will always be prepared to give his best to the student and would rather be ready to give them more than they can handle. Feelings of surrender or affection for the Lord are the personal assets of the supreme Lord and has been bestowed upon conditioned soul by His mercy and the teacher never takes these assets of the Lord for granted and is cautious not to trample upon any of these flower like assets by his carelessness rather holds them very sensitively.


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