True renunciation vs Falgu Vairagya -Alienation from family and artificial detachment

In the path of devotional service to Krishna,  the goal is to realize one's eternal position and identity as a speck at the lotus feet of the supreme Lord Krishna. However, there are attempts to artificially discard one's all temporary identities as son, husband, citizen etc and just affirm one's eternal identity of being the servant of the God. Sometimes in order to affirm this identity, a person resorts to escapist mindset and artificially leaves his family members and takes to robes of sadhu or takes to living in a matha away from the family. Some times it is also said by such persons that meeting with one's family members and spending time with them is harmful for one's spiritual practice as it reinforces one's identification with temporary designations. However, one thing is sure that there is a difference between affection and entanglement. Affection is a state of a healthy mind and healthy heart. If one tries to block that component of one's mind completely through force, it may be possible that one is not able to then feel natural affection for one's Lord and His paraphernilia too. Affection may stay with the family members however without any thoughts of entanglement and over possesiveness. There is a facility of Sanyas ashram within Varanashrama system but that sanyasi also doesn't leaves his home but he expands his conception of home that the whole world is his family. It is expansion of Ahankara which happens for the sanyasis by his sustained and sincere efforts in sadhana while living in earlier ashrams. Thus, he also has affection and loving feelings. Affection for the whole world includes the affection for one's own family members also who are also the part of the whole world. One's mother and father does so much to raise us and it is but natural to feel lot of affection and attachment to them for what they have done for us and the desire to please them is but natural. 


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