Spiritual counselling- A humble service to the Chaitya Guru.

Spiritual counselling- A humble service to the Chaitya Guru Often, parents assist the children in their homework. Sometimes, the school teachers give home projects and grade the students according to the quality of the home project. The expected role of parents is to assist their children in making the project but some parents do the project themselves and allow little contribution of their children. This may make the project of students look beautiful and they may get good grades and recognition in the school but they fail to learn from the project which was the actual objective behind the project. Sometimes even parents crave for the satisfaction of being the parent of the student who got the best project award, how unfortunate such students are who get such parents. Such parents sometimes get so obsessed with their own prestige among the fellow parents, connected to grades of their children in the school that even if the children want to do their own projects...